After a bit of delay against its promised arrival timeline in India, Asus has today launched the highly-anticipated ROG Phone . The beastly gaming smartphone from ASUS has been priced at Rs. 69,999, and will go on sale from today on Flipkart . The ROG Phone takes on the Xiaomi Black Shark , Razer Phone 2 and the Nubia Red Magic , but it ups the ante with features such as an overclocked Snapdragon 845 SoC, customizable ultrasonic AirTriggers, 90Hz AMOLED display, a ton of gaming accessories, and a stereo haptic engine to truly justify the gaming smartphone tag. Talking about the features, the ROG Phone is powered by an overclocked Snapdragon 845 SoC (2.96GHz) paired with an Adreno 630 GPU, 8GB RAM and up to 512GB of UFS 2.1 storage. On the front is a 6-inch 1080p AMOLED screen which supports HDR content, a 90Hz refresh rate and 1ms response time which is claimed to be an industry-first for a smartphone. The 2.5D front glass i...