OnePlus just launched the OnePlus 6T earlier this week in India and Xiaomi’s sub-brand Poco can’t stop trolling the flagship killer for its high prices as compared to the Poco F1 . Poco first took a jab at the company by putting up hoardings and offering calculators to fans outside the event venue, but it has now launched “OverPriced” bundles to further mock them. Taking cues from the China marketing team, which trolled Apple’s exorbitant pricing by selling XR, XS, and XS Max bundles in China for lower prices, Poco is firing shots at OnePlus 6T – the device which is more premium and feature-packed than their own offering. Poco has bundled a number of its products (eight, to be exact), including the Poco F1, an air purifier, fitness band, Bluetooth speaker and more at a price equal to the base variant of the OnePlus 6T. As you can see in the image attached above, Poco’s OP Bundle (whe...