“Huawei Y9 (2019) price in India is expected to be under Rs 20,000 as the smartphone is being positioned as an entry-level flagship” Huawei Y9 (2019) will be launching in the Indian market on January 10th, the company has confirmed. The Huawei Y9 (2019) model was originally slated to launch in the country on January 7th but the event was scrapped without a new date being announced. Now, however, the company has sent an invite to the media with details of the event. The invite mentions the Huawei Y9 (2019) India launch event will be held at 10:30am on January 10th. The launch event will be held in New Delhi and mentions the phone’s name. The caption on the invite mentions the smartphone will be positioned as an entry-level flagship. The smartphone has been previously confirmed to be an Amazon exclusive . Huawei Y9 (2019) price in India, specifications Huawei Y9 (2019) price in India is expected to be under Rs 20,000 co...