Xiaomi’s highly-anticipated Redmi Note 6 Pro is finally here in India. The company unveiled the phone today at an event in New Delhi. The Redmi Note 6 Pro is Xiaomi’s first quad-camera smartphone to launch in the country. It also has notable upgrades over the last year’s Redmi Note 5 Pro, so let’s take a look. Pricing and Availability The Redmi Note 6 Pro starts at Rs. 13,999 for the base variant. The variant with 6GB RAM/ 64GB internal storage is priced at Rs. 15,999. The phone will be available starting tomorrow, and you’ll be able to grab one from Flipkart , Mi.com and Mi Home Stores across the country. Here’s the Redmi Note 6 Pro in all its glory: And as part of the Black Friday sale, the Redmi Note 6 Pro will be available for a special price on November 23, i.e tomorrow. You’ll be able to buy the Redmi Note 6 Pro for a starting price of just Rs. 12,999, and the top end variant will be ava...