“The new Jio Phone recharges priced at Rs 297 and Rs 594 have validities of 84 days and 168 days, respectively” Jio has announced two new recharge packs for the users of its Jio Phone 4G feature phone. Unlike the Jio Phone recharges that are already available in the market, these new prepaid packs offer long-term validity and, consequently, are priced relatively higher. Both the Jio Phone recharges, priced at Rs 297 and Rs 594, offer the exact same benefits — including the bundled calls and daily data allocations — as the Rs 99 pack for the 4G feature phone. The new Rs 297 Jio Phone recharge has validity of 84 days, while the Rs 594 pack will be valid for 168 days. Both come with 500MB data per day bundled STD and local calls, no charging on calls made while roaming, 300 SMSes per day, and access to Jio apps. This puts the bundled data at 42GB and 84GB for the two packs, respectively. Buyers can purchase the packs from the official website or ...