Asus is still gunning for Xiaomi’s crown one new smartphone at a time. The rivalry which started out with ZenFone Max Pro (M1) in the budget segment earlier this year has now transcended to the entry-level market with the arrival of two new Asus smartphones, i.e the ZenFone Lite and ZenFone Max in India. Price and Availability This entry-level series has been priced starting at Rs 5,999 for ZenFone Lite, which packs inside 2GB of RAM and 16GB of storage. The ZenFone Max, with 3GB of RAM and 32GB of storage, is priced at Rs 7,499 . They’ll go head-to-head with the Redmi 6A and Redmi 6 from Xiaomi. Both of these entry-level phones come in two color variant, namely Black and Gold. They will go on sale during Flipkart Festive Dhamaka Days, which will kick off in time for Diwali in the first week of November. ZenFone Lite: Specs Starting off with ZenFone Lite, it features a 5.45-inch HD+ IPS LCD display with ...