Samsung recently lifted the covers off its first smartphone with a triple camera setup – the Galaxy A7 . Starting at a competitive price of Rs. 23,990 , the all-new Galaxy A7 packs in an Exynos 7885 SoC, coupled with 4/6GB of RAM and 64/128GB of internal storage. As with most other modern smartphones these days, the Galaxy A7 also packs in a fingerprint sensor and a face unlock feature for biometric authentication. However, with the Galaxy A7, Samsung has taken a new route with the fingerprint sensor and has replaced it from the back of the device to the power button. The face unlock feature remains as basic as ever and just makes use of the front camera to authenticate the user’s face. If, in case, you’ve been meaning to purchase the Galaxy A7 , there are a couple of things you should know about the fingerprint scanner and the face unlock feature. Firstly, lets talk about the fingerprint scanner on the Galaxy A7: Galaxy A7 Power Button Finger...