Google unveiled the much-awaited Pixel 4 flagship smartphone last month with a ton of interesting features, including a secondary telephoto lens, Motion Sense gestures, and a new AI-backed voice recorder app. Yeah, it came with a voice recorder app that allowed real-time text transcription and it’s fantastic.If you were looking for a similar voice recorder for iOS, then the Smart Voice Recorder (offline) app has made its debut with the exciting real-time text transcription feature in tow. It even works offline on iOS most of the time, as mentioned by the developer. It’s offering you a pretty similar-looking UI and features as Google’s recorder app. Once you start using this voice recorder app on iOS, you will start noticing its similarities with Google’s voice recorder app. You do not see both the waveform and transcribed text within this app, but the text shows up in real-time as you speak. The offline transcription here isn’t as fast as Google, which is expecte...