“The BSNL Rs 2,499 broadband plan comes with 25 percent cashback on annual and half-yearly subscriptions” BSNL has announced its Rs 2,499 broadband plan that offers 40GB of daily data at a speed of 100Mbps. Along with the ample daily data, it also brings unlimited voice calling facility. Users will also get a free email ID access with a 1GB mailbox space. The new plan has been launched under the state-owned operator’s Bharat Fiber programme that was launched a days ago. It should be noted that the Bharat Fiber broadband plan is not available in all circles. Also, once a user exceeds the day’s FUP, the speed will be lowered to 2Mbps. The new broadband plan by the government-owned PSU also offers a 25 percent cashback on a six month or an annual recharge. BSNL does not offer any installation charges on the fibre-to-the-home plans. Users can select and start with the new plan by just paying the monthly amount...