New details such as pricing, colour and storage options for the Galaxy S10 series have been leaked online” The Samsung Galaxy S10 series launch is less than three weeks away now and new leaks are still coming in. The latest leak reveals the pricing and the colour / storage options of the upcoming smartphones. We have had some idea regarding the pricing and storage variants of the Galaxy S10 series, but the new info confirms it all. Also, here’s an exclusive look at the Galaxy S10 Plus. Earlier today, another report confirmed the display sizes of the Galaxy S10 Lite/E , Galaxy S10 and the Galaxy S10 Plus . In the latest leak, which comes from MySmartPrice , the European pricing of all the Galaxy S10 variants, along with colour and storage options, have been revealed. The pricing is close to what has been reported before, with the cheapest Galaxy S10 Lite/E variant costing €749 (~R...