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Showing posts from May 27, 2019


IMP Questions 1) Draw the Block Diagram of Computer Architecture and Identified each block. Answer 2) Define following: 1. High level language 2. Operating System 3. Application software 4. System Software 5. Assembler 6. Compiler 7. Interpreter 8. Linker 9. Loader Answer 3) Explain basic data types of C Answer 4) Explain in brief the structure of C Program and features of C language. Answer 5) Differentiate : Flowchart and Algorithm Explain flow chart with suitable example. [ Accept N Numbers, Count Odd and Even Numbers, Sum of 10 Numbers, Find largest among three numbers Answer Part1 Answer Part2 6) Explain various operators used in C language Answer 7) What is Type conversion and Type casting? State difference between them with example. [Implicit & Explicit] Answer 8) Discuss general form of following with example. (1) IF (2) Nested IF…ELSE (3) Continue & goto Answer Part 1 Answer Part 2 Answer Part 3 9)Explain while, do…whi

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