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IMP Questions

1) Draw the Block Diagram of Computer Architecture and Identified each block.

2) Define following:
1. High level language
2. Operating System
3. Application software
4. System Software
5. Assembler
6. Compiler
7. Interpreter
8. Linker
9. Loader

3) Explain basic data types of C

4) Explain in brief the structure of C Program and features of C language.

5) Differentiate : Flowchart and Algorithm Explain flow chart with suitable example.
[ Accept N Numbers, Count Odd and Even Numbers, Sum of 10 Numbers, Find largest among three numbers

6) Explain various operators used in C language

7) What is Type conversion and Type casting? State difference between them with example. [Implicit & Explicit]

8) Discuss general form of following with example.
(1) IF (2) Nested IF…ELSE (3) Continue & goto

9)Explain while, do…while and for loop with syntax and example.

10) Explain switch case in “C” with the help of syntax and example.

11) Explain printf() and scanf() by giving their syntax and example.


12) What is array? Give example of array. Write a C program to read 10 numbers from user and store them in an Array. Display Sum, Minimum, Maximum and Average of the numbers. 

13) What is function? List various categories of functions. Write a program using function to find maximum if two numbers 

14) What is function? Explain the function definition, function prototype and function call with example. 

15) What is user-defined function? Explain actual argument and formal arguments 

16) What is a string? How string is stored in C? Give the various functions with their use for string processing.(strcat( ), strlen( ),strcpy( ), strrev( )) 

17) What is recursion? Explain it with example. 

18) Write a Program to demonstrate the “call by value” and  “call by reference” concept in C 

19) Write a C program to count number of words in a given string. 

20) Write a program to perform matrix multiplication.

21) Explain dynamic memory allocation functions with example.

22) How can we access structure members? Explain nested structure with example. 

23) What is structure? How does a structure differ from an array? Compare structure with union. 

24) What is a pointer? How and when pointer is used? How it is initialized? What are the benefits of the Pointer? 


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