1. Write a program to that performs as calculator ( addition, multiplication, division, subtraction). Get Code 2. Write a program to find area of triangle(a=h*b*.5) a = area h = height b = base Get Code 3. Write a program to calculate simple interest (i = (p*r*n)/100 ) i = Simple interest p = Principal amount r = Rate of interest n = Number of years Get Code 4. Write a C program to interchange two numbers. Get Code 5. Write a C program to enter a distance in to kilometre and convert it in to meter, feet, inches and centimetre. Get Code 6. Write a program to compute Fahrenheit from centigrade (f=1.8*c +32) Get Code 7. Write a C program to find out distance travelled by the equation d = ut + at^2 Get Code 8. Write a C program to find that the accepted number is Negative, or Positive or Zero. Get Code 9. Write a program to read marks of a student from keyboard whether the student is pass or fail( using if else) Get Code 10. Write a program t...