The Pixel 3 XL is still close to a month away from being officially unveiled by Google. The device has, however, not just posed for leaked photos but we’ve also got a glimpse at its wireless charging capability and camera samples. As pointed out yesterday, the Pixel 3 XL is ‘quickly becoming the worst-kept secret of the year’ and we now finally know the source for the flood of leaks . The folks over at Slashgear , as well as 9to5Google , have revealed that a stolen shipment of Pixel 3 XL test units is being sold on the black market in Europe. Here’s a look at the massive shipment: Yes, the leaked Pixel 3 XL photos hosted a watermark to a Telegram account, where the device is being sold for $2000 a pop by an anonymous Ukranian seller (even though the conversation flows in Russian). It’s unknown how the seller has got his hands on Google Pixel 3 XL units so early. Here are all the details, as shared by the seller, in the public Telegram ...