Asus has already confirmed that the company’s next smartphone, the ZenFone Max Pro M2 , will be launched in India on December 11th, but extensive details about the device have already been leaked twice earlier this month. Now, WinFuture has leaked additional information which includes official images of two upcoming Asus devices, the ZenFone Max M2 and the ZenFone Max Pro M2, alongside their key specifications Asus ZenFone Max Pro M2 The ZenFone Max Pro M2 succeeds the well-received ZenFone Max Pro M1 and brings numerous upgrades such as a more premium glass design, a larger display with a notch and a faster processor among others. As per the latest leak, the ZenFone Max Pro M2 will be powered by the Snapdragon 660 SoC , a significant improvement over the Snapdragon 636 in its predecessor, paired with 4GB of RAM and 32/64/128GB of expandable internal storage. 1 of 4 ...