Mukesh Ambani kickstarted the proceedings at the IMC 2018 with the inaugural speech highlighting broadly where the country’s connectivity arc is heading and how the future is about a fixed-line and mobile convergence. And at Jio’s booth, the company was showcasing a demo of its future 5G services and some other cool IoT products that toe that line. I stopped by Jio booth on the opening day of IMC 2018 , and honestly, I was blown away by the sheer number of products Jio had on display. Jio’s booth at IMC 2018 Jio, just like every other exhibitor, had a variety of different sections within its booth. It had a Smart Home setup with its connected devices, it had a Smart Hospital demo section showcasing its 5G services, and so on. Jio Connected Devices For Home Automation This particular section of Jio’s booth was populated with a variety of different connected devices. From smart door locks to ...