Xiaomi unveiled the next iteration of its custom software – MIUI 11 in China last month, alongside the launch of the Mi Mix Alpha and Mi 9 Pro 5G. The company has started the rollout, both in beta and stable channels, in China but it now seems like a global rollout might be right around the corner. The official MIUI India account has today taken to Twitter to tease that MIUI 11 will be announced for India on October 16, alongside the launch of the Redmi Note 8 series in India. It isn’t confirmed, but it would be great to see the new devices come baked with Android 10-based MIUI 11 out-of-the-box. The teaser video below only has the caption “Coming Soon” and doesn’t shed light on whether it will be a global rollout or one restricted to India. Well, we assume the latter since it’s been tweeted from MIUI India’s account. MIUI India for #MiFans ✔ @MIUI_India 16.10.2019 #MIUI11 RT if you...