Jio GigaFiber plan prices in India will start from Rs 700 and go up to Rs 10,000 per month, the company has announced. These Jio GigaFiber prices are about a tenth of the global prices for the service, said Chairman and MD Mukesh Ambani at the RIL AGM 2019. The commercial Jio GigaFiber launch is scheduled for September 5th. As part of the Jio Fiber Welcome Offer, the company will be giving HD/4K TVs and 4K set-top box for free to those subscribing to the Forever annual plan. At the RIL AGM 2019, the company has announced it will be delivering the Jio GigaFiber broadband service to 20 million homes and 15 million businesses. At present, the Jio GigaFiber broadband service is being tested in 5 million homes, which consume more than 100GB data per month. Moreover, Jio has said it will launch its Internet of Things platform on January 1st, 2020. The platform will target 1 billion IoT devices and the company pegs the opportunity at roughly Rs 20...