Apple Reveals India Pricing For New Macbook Pro (2018); Starts At Rs 1,47,900 Apple yesterday announced the refreshed MacBook Pro lineup with the latest 8th-Gen Intel Core processors. In the US, the devices are priced starting at $1,799 and $2,399 for the 13-inch and 15-inch models, respectively. Now, the company has listed them on its India website as well, revealing that the 13-inch model will be available at a starting price of Rs. 1,47,900 while the 15-inch model will start at Rs. 1,95,800. Both will be available via select Apple Authorised Resellers from later this month. According to Gadgets 360 , the new leather sleeves for the 13-inch MacBook Pro are priced at 16,900, while for the 15-inch MacBook Pro the sleeve is priced at Rs. 18,900. Among other upgraded features, the 2018 MacBook Pro lineup comes with Apple’s T2 chipset which offers a number of enhanced security options, including encrypted storage, secure boot, a...