Xiaomi’s offshoot – Poco – grabbed the world’s attention with the insane pricing for its first smartphone which has flagship-level internals, and a very functional design. The Poco F1 is packed with a Snapdragon 845 which is indisputably the best chipset for Android smartphones this year, with a price barely hovering over the Rs 20,000 mark. With the chipset, you get up to 8GB of RAM and 256GB storage and to keep things cool, the Poco F1 also has liquid cooling and a copper heat sink. But those are not the only unbelievable features that the Poco F1 delivers as it also comes with a really impressive camera for the price. While it’s too early to call this the best camera in the segment, here’s what I think about it after playing with it for just over a day. The Poco F1 uses the usual MIUI camera app so we would not dwell upon the features of the app and focus on the image quality and shooting experience. Focus Speed Speaking of focus,...