Alongside the upcoming Pixel 3 series expected to launch in October, Google has been rumored to be bringing its first-ever wearable – the Pixel Watch in tow as well. However, Google has today confirmed that it has no plans to release a Pixel-branded smartwatch later this year. In an interview with Tom’s Guide , Google’s director of engineering for Wear OS, Miles Barr told the publication that Mountain View is currently focusing on new smartwatches bring built by its partners including LG, Fossil, Huawei, and others. This has also been confirmed by Google’s PR representatives. This pretty much puts a nail in the coffin, ending all of the rumors around the launch of a Pixel Watch. Barr further added, “ To think of a one-size-fits-all watch, I don’t think we’re there yet. ” The rumors of Google launching its own smartwatch, the Pixel Watch , started making the rounds of the Internet after master tipster Evan Blass twee...