The budget segment in India has an overwhelming number of smartphones on offer, be it from the likes of Xiaomi, Asus, Realme or Honor, which has unveiled the Honor 8C in India. The Chinese giant is adding to the list with the launch of Honor 8C, a successor to the popular Honor 7C smartphone, on November 29. The Honor 8C is stepping foot into one of the most competitive segments, but with the strategy to offer you the best looks, the modern notch, a moderate Snapdragon chipset, and a huge battery, all packed inside a light and handy offering. Thanks to the folks at Honor, I’ve been testing the Honor 8C for a couple of days now and here are my initial thoughts on the device: Honor 8C Specifications Before diving into it, let’s take a quick look at the specs sheet for the Honor 8C: Dimensions 157.2 x 76 x 7.98 mm Weight 167 grams Display 6.26-inch Full-HD+ IPS, 19:9 aspect ratio Processor Snapdragon 632 GPU Adreno 506 RAM 3GB/4GB Storage 32GB/64GB Rear Camera 13 MP (f/1....