An image of the upcoming Realme 2 was recently leaked on the company’s websiteahead of the official announcement. The image, which has since been taken down, gives a good look at the front and back of the Realme 2. The photos weren’t accompanied with any information about the device, but it does reveal that the upcoming device will succumb to the notch trend.
While that isn’t much to go on, the image also reveals that the device will have a dual camera setup on the back, unlike the single camera setup on the Realme 1, and it’ll also be sporting a fingerprint sensor on the back, something which the Realme 1 lacked altogether.
Quite like the Realme 1, its successor will also sport a geometric design on the back, with the phone possibly being made available in at least two colors – blue and black. From the looks of it, the Realme 2 looks an awful lot like the Oppo F7 with minor differences. This leads us to believe that the Realme 2 might also be powered by the same MediaTek MT6771 Helio P60 SoC along with a 6.23-inch FHD+ display, and a 16+2MP dual camera setup on the back, but that’s merely speculation. As of now, the company has revealed no further information about the upcoming device.
It’s worth noting that the company recently parted ways from its parent brand Oppo and is now being operated as a separated brand under the leadership of Sky Li, the former Vice President of Oppo and the head of Realme’s overseas business. Li announced the departure from Oppo late last month and said that the company plans to bring new devices into the market that feature a more modern design that will appeal to the younger generation.