“With the new BSNL Rs. 399 tariff, users will now get 3.21GB data (2.21GB extra), along with unlimited calls and 100 SMS per day for 74 days.”
For any telecom company to make a mark in the industry, offering unlimited data and voice calling is indispensable. Reliance Jio has been ruling the party with its prepaid tariff plans that offer 1.5GB data and 100 SMSes per day along with unlimited calls.
However, BSNL has now announced a new plan to directly rival the Rs 349 plan from Jio. This new BSNL prepaid tariff is priced at Rs 399 and comes with increased benefits like a massive 3.21GB data, unlimited voice calling and 100 SMSes per day. The validity of the plan is 74 days. Hence, the total amount of data enjoyed by the users is a whopping 237.54GB.
However, added to these benefits, the tariff recharge will also bring free PRBT (Personalised Ring Back Tone) to its users. However, it is to be noted that this Rs. 399 plan is not completely new from the telco as it was introduced back in August 2018 as a Rakhi offer.
According to the official listing on BSNL sites, the FUP over the 3.21GB mark will reduce the data speed to 80 kbps. Plus, the free unlimited calling is available even for making calls in Mumbai and Delhi too. However, the additional 2.21GB data is applicable until the 31st of January only