The Samsung Galaxy Fold will have two 3,100mAh batteries for each half of the device; combined power to be a massive 6,200mAh.”
It is no news that Samsung will be launching two highly anticipated smartphones this year, the 5G Galaxy S10 and the Galaxy Fold. Both phones have been subject to a number of rumours and leaks. Now, if latest reports are to go by, the smartphones will also come with powerful batteries as the sizes of the batteries have been revealed. The reports also say that there will be a separate 5G model, adding to the current 4G smartphones lineup.
The Samsung Galaxy S10+ series will comprise of the 4G-enabled S10 Lite, S10 and S10+. Now, as per the reports, the three Galaxy models will feature 3,100mAh, 3,500mAh and 4,000mAh batteries respectively. On the other hand, the 5G-enabled model will get a bigger 5,000mAh battery (part number EB-BG977ABU).
Furthermore, the Galaxy Fold, Samsung’s first foldable smartphone, will come with a massive battery as well. According to the report from CGS-CIMB Research of Korea, there will be an individual capacity of 3,100mAh for each half, which is the same as the battery size of the cheapest variant of Galaxy S10. The two 3,100mAh batteries have part numbers of EB-BF900ABA and EB-BF901ABA.
The Samsung Galaxy S10 might be provided with Qualcomm Snapdragon 855 SoC in some countries, including the United States. On the other hand, other regions will get the Samsung smartphones with the in-house Exynos 9820 chipset. It will also feature a 6.1-inch AMOLED display with an embedded ‘hole punch camera’ on the screen. The 5G-enabled variant will not be available in all the markets across the world as it makes no sense to release the smartphone where the 5G network is not available.
Samsung Galaxy S10