July 22, 2019 ASUS ZenFone Max M2 prices in India stand at Rs 7,999 and Rs 9,499 for the 3GB + 32GB and 4GB + 64GB variants, respectively” The ASUS ZenFone Max M2 price in India has been slashed once again. The phone’s base variant with 3GB RAM and 32GB storage is now available at Rs 7,999, a discount of Rs 500. The higher-end ZenFone Max M2 variant with 4GB of RAM and 64GB of storage is now being offered for Rs 9,499 after a discount of Rs 1,000. The smartphone is up for grabs at the reduced prices on the e-commerce portal Flipkart. The ASUS ZenFone Max M2 was released in India in December last year at the starting price of Rs 9,999 for the base variant. ASUS ZenFone Max M2 specifications The ASUS ZenFone Max M2 sports a metal unibody design with a rear-mounted fingerprint sensor. The phone has a 6.26-inch HD+ IPS display with a notch up top. The smartphone is powered by an octa-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 632 processor. The handset ...