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Programming for Problem Solving JAVA

List of Experiment

(1) Write a Program that displays Welcome to Java, Learning Java Now and Programming is fun.

(2) Write a program that solves the following equation and displays the value x and y:1)3.4x+50.2y=44.5  2) 2.1x+.55y=5.9 (Assume Cramer’s rule to solve equation  ax+by=e     x=ed-bf/ad-bc      cx+dy=f      y=af-ec/ad-bc )

(3) Write a program that reads a number in meters, converts it to feet, and displays the result.

(4) Body Mass Index (BMI) is a measure of health on weight.  It can be calculated by taking your weight in kilograms and dividing by the square of your height in meters.  Write  a  program that prompts the user to enter a weight in pounds and height in inches and displays the BMI.Note:-1 pound=.45359237 Kg and 1 inch=.0254 meters.

(5) Write a program that prompts the user to enter three integers and display the integers in decreasing order.

(6) Write a program that prompts the user to enter a letter and check whether a letter is a vowel or constant.

(7) Assume a vehicle plate number consists of three uppercase letters followed by four digits. Write a program to generate a plate number.

(8) Write a program that reads an integer and displays all its smallest factors in increasing order. For example if input number is 120, the output should be as follows:2,2,2,3,5.

(9) Write a method with following method header.public static int gcd(int num1, int num2)Write a program that prompts the user to enter two integers and compute the gcd of two integers.

(10) Write a test program that prompts the user to enter ten numbers, invoke  a method to reverse the numbers, display the numbers.

(11) Write a program that generate 6*6  two-dimensional matrix, filled with 0’s and 1’s , display the matrix,check every raw and column have an odd number’s of 1’s.

(12) Write a program that creates a Random object with seed 1000 and displays the first  100  random integers between 1 and 49 using the NextInt (49) method.  

(13) Write a program for calculator to accept an expression as a string in which the operands and operator are separated by zero or more spaces. For ex: 3+4 and 3 + 4 are acceptable expressions.

(14) Write a program that creates an Array List and adds a Loan object, a Date object, a string, and a Circle object to the list, and use a loop to display all elements in the list by invoking the object’s to String() method.

(15) Write the bin2Dec (string binary String) method to convert a binary string into a decimal number. Implement the bin2Dec method to throw a  NumberFormatException if the string is not a binary string. 

(16) Write a program that prompts the user to enter a decimal number and displays the number in a fraction.Hint: Read the decimal number as a string,  extract the integer part and fractional part from the string. 

(17) Write a program that displays a tic-tac-toe board. A cell may be X, O, or empty. What to display at each cell is randomly decided. The X and O are images in the files X.gif and O.gif. 

(18) Write a program that moves a circle up, down, left or right using arrow keys.

(19) Write a program that displays the color of a circle as red when the mouse button is pressed and as blue when the mouse button is released.

(20) Write a GUI program that use button to move the message to the left and right and use the radio button to change the color for the message displayed.

(21) Write a program to create a file name 123.txt, if it does not exist. Append a new data to it if it already exists.  Write  150  integers created randomly into the file using  Text  I/O.  Integers are separated by space.

(22) Write a recursive method that returns the smallest integer in an array.  Write a test program that prompts the user to enter an integer and display its product.

(23) Write a generic method that returns the minimum elements in a two dimensional array.

(24) Define  MYPriorityQueue class that extends Priority Queue to implement the  Cloneable interface and implement the clone() method to clone a priority queue.

(25) Write a program that reads words from a text file and displays all the nonduplicate words in descending order. The text file is passed as a command-line argument.


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