“Attendees will be able to communicate over a 5G network and experience the capabilities of 5G gaming at the OnePlus stand.”
After weeks and months of teasing its 5G smartphone, OnePlus has finally confirmed when the next-generation phone will make a public appearance. While confirming its participation at the MWC later this month, the Chinese company stated that its 5G prototype will be on display at the OnePlus stand within Qualcomm’s booth, where users cum attendees will be able to communicate over a 5G network and also experience the capabilities of 5G gaming. Within a few weeks time we shall have a fair idea as to what level of performance to expect from the final product.
No further details have been revealed by the company thus far, therefore the exact specifications of the 5G phone remain unclear. But going by the close partnership OnePlus is currently enjoying with Qualcomm, we can assume that the smartphone will be powered by Snapdragon 855 processor along with the Snapdragon X50 modem for enhanced 5G capabilities. Furthermore, it is believed that the 5G powered handset will launch alongside the OnePlus 7 sometime May this year and carry the same design and structure as the flagship model. A recently leaked set of images of the OnePlus flagship seem to point toward a completely bezel-less display and a slider mechanism on top for the selfie camera and front sensors.
On the pricing front, we expect the 5G smartphone to cost a premium whereas OnePlus 7 should retail at a similar price point to that of the current generation model.