“Realme India CEO Madhav Sheth also took a dig at the Redmi Note 7 duo, which was launched today”
If a latest teaser by Realme is anything to go by, the company might be launching the Realme 3 Pro along with the Realme 3. Realme will be hosting a launch event on March 4th, where previously only the Realme 3 was expected to launch. Now, as per the latest teaser by the company, the Realme 3 Pro smartphone could also be launched alongside.
In the video shared by the company, a flash in the shape of the number 3 appears on the screen. A line “Be Proactive” appears above the flash shortly after, with the “Pro” being highlighted. This hints that the Pro variant of the Realme 3 could be launched alongside the smartphone.
Any guesses?
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Realme India CEO, Madhav Sheth, retweeted the teaser along with taking a dig at Xiaomi by writing “What’s 7 doing in 3?”. It should be noted that Xiaomi launched its Redmi Note 7 and Note 7 Pro smartphones today at an event in Delhi. The sly dig clearly indicates that Realme’s upcoming smartphones will be giving the Redmi smartphones a tough competition.
The Realme 3 smartphone has been spotted in number of leaks and teasers, and has been confirmed to come with a Helier P70 SoC, it is also expected to feature a 48MP camera. Other details revealed about the device are a diamond cut gradient patter on the rear, a waterdrop notch and Android 9.0 Pie with ColorOS 6.0 custom firmware. It will only be seen at the launch how many of the speculations will come true and what the expected Realme 3 Pro will have to offer.
Realme 3 Price, Launch Date
Expected Price:Rs. 15,990Release Date:04-Mar-2019 (Expected)Variant:4 GB RAM / 64 GB internal storagePhone Status:Rumoured