“Previously OPPO-owned, Realme is doing very well in India and its latest device has just received a price cut” The Realme U1 is a budget smartphone from the previously OPPO owned brand, Realme , and has turned out to be quite a successful device in India. The phone went on open sale in December last year at a starting price of Rs 11,999. Now, the company has just announced that the Realme U1 has received a price cut and will be sold for a starting price of Rs 10,999. The price cut makes the phone an even better deal than before. Realme U1 price cut in India As mentioned earlier, the Realme U1 base variant with 3GB of RAM and 32GB of internal storage is now being sold at Rs 10,999. The higher model with 4GB RAM and 64GB of storage is now priced at Rs 13,499, but it wasn’t in stock at the time of writing. The price cut is already live on Amazon India and should be available on Realme’s official website and via offline retailer...