“Realme India CEO Madhav Sheth also took a dig at the Redmi Note 7 duo, which was launched today” If a latest teaser by Realme is anything to go by, the company might be launching the Realme 3 Pro along with the Realme 3. Realme will be hosting a launch event on March 4th, where previously only the Realme 3 was expected to launch. Now, as per the latest teaser by the company, the Realme 3 Pro smartphone could also be launched alongside. In the video shared by the company, a flash in the shape of the number 3 appears on the screen. A line “Be Proactive” appears above the flash shortly after, with the “Pro” being highlighted. This hints that the Pro variant of the Realme 3 could be launched alongside the smartphone. Realme ✔ @realmemobiles Any guesses? 1,499 3:12 PM - Feb 27, 2019 850 people are talking about this Twitter Ads info and privacy Realme India CEO, Madhav Sheth, retweeted the teaser along with taking a d...